Can Kittens See In The Dark.

Can Kittens See In The Dark. It isn’t true that kittens can’t see in the dark. In fact, kittens have all of the same adaptations as adult cats to aid them in seeing in low light.

But that doesn’t mean their eyes are fully-formed at birth and ready for action, just like human babies who also have poor eyesight when they’re born.

Can Kittens See In The Dark

Strange as it might seem, this isn’t true. When people say cats have night vision, they don’t mean cats can see in the dark. They mean that cats are better able to use their eyes at night than we are. Why do people think that? Maybe because of the way a cat’s eyes glow faintly in the darkness like an animal that sees by starlight.

If you shine a light into a cat’s eye, it looks red because of a membrane behind the pupil that gives extra protection from damaging sun rays.

But why do cats need this special protection in sunlight? Perhaps because they mostly hunted at dawn and dusk when light posed less harm to them and preyed upon rodents who liked to hide under leaves or underground.

That’s why so many varieties of wild cats still have those glowing eyes.


UC Berkeley researchers have found that animals with vertically slit pupils are more likely to be ambush predators than their counterparts.

Vertical pupils and round eyes, for instance, happen to be common traits among many active foragers. These animals typically move around throughout the day making it easy for them to spot prey in a variety of environments.

The same is true for creatures who are low on the evolutionary food chain mainly because they don’t need to worry about any other creature trying to eat them and thus can conserve a lot of energy by not having to try and avoid danger at all times.

Research has shown cats who have vertical slit pupils typically live close to the ground.

Bright Tapestry

Cats have a very handy trick up their sleeves. Tucked behind the retina of the eye, cats have a thin layer of reflective tissue that like the name implies refracts light to give it another go on the retina.

The Latin term for this structure is tapetum lucidum, from “bright tapestry”, which gives you an idea of just how bright things are whenever a cat’s eyes are open.

The next time you see your feline friend watching you after dark, raise your hand and watch as the reflection bounces back at you. No spells are needed here.

Eyes Designed

The reason cats’ night vision is so excellent is because of the intelligent design of their eyes. They contain a curved cornea and large lens, and their pupils can dilate to full circles to allow maximum light.

Additionally, the photoreceptors in cats’ eyes are completely different from humans.

Cats have more rods that are responsible for the night, peripheral vision, and motion sensing; whereas humans possess more cones that enable them to see color and daylight better.

What Colors Are Visible To Cats

Cats are more likely to be able to distinguish between blues and purples, rather than reds and yellows.

The reason why is quite clear to see looks at the sky at dawn and dusk, which has a lot of blues in it.

There’s also a lot of extreme ultraviolet light around when the sun first rises or sets, so night owls like cats can see all day as they hunt in the darkness.

Is it Safe To Leave Kittens Alone?

Do you leave your lights on or turn them off after getting home? Just remember, cats can see in the dark so much better than you or I can.

This means that there is no need to worry too much if they will have any problems adjusting to nighttime when they’re still new to their new home as the kitty will most likely find what she needs just fine.

However, if she’s having trouble adjusting in the dark it might be a good idea to keep things lit up on the first night with perhaps a nightlight for the kitten’s sake.

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