Cat Keeps Going To Litter Box But Nothing Happens.

Cat Keeps Going To Litter Box But Nothing Happens. Your cat continues to use the litter box, but nothing appears to be happening.

Normally, at the end of the day, you’d have something to scoop out of the litter box. Today, though, there is nothing there.

You swear your cat has gone in and out of the litter box multiple times. If you feel your cat is constipated, the best thing you can do is schedule an appointment with a veterinarian as soon as possible so that they may offer a treatment plan tailored to your cat’s individual needs.

Cat Keeps Going To Litter Box But Nothing Happens

If your cat continues to use the litter box but nothing happens, you may be dealing with a different problem. It’s possible that your cat has an intestinal condition if he or she is constipated or has other digestive issues. Constipation and other gastrointestinal difficulties can also be alleviated by providing your cats with a variety of healthy food options and lots of freshwaters.


Your cat is squatting because it’s having a hard time peeing. It may have suffered from urinary tract disease which seems to be a common cause of this problem.

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease in Cats When you come across your cat seeming unable to pee or simply tries and then stops without producing anything, you’ll know that it’s suffering from pain.

Cystitis is the most common cause of straining; if you’ve ever struggled with cystitis, you will understand what your cat might be going through.

You may notice that the cat tries often but can only produce little or no urine, which will typically be tinged with blood.

Constipation In Cats

A common problem among cats is constipation. There are numerous causes, and some of them can be remedied more easily than others.

Dehydration is one of the leading causes of constipation in cats. This should not come as a surprise though; most cats do not care for water, so they simply don’t drink it.

One other common cause of constipation in cats is dietary fiber deficiency. Just like human beings, if they don’t get enough fiber in their diets they have difficulty getting things moving.

Cats can also become constipated if their regular routines are disrupted.

Tract Infection

Some cats have what is called FLUTD or Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease.

With this disorder, cats may still be able to urinate but have a problem peeing or just urinating small amounts and often having to go to the litter box repeatedly.

This is usually caused by an infection and can make your cat feel painful during pee time. They may see blood or smell odd in their urine, notice them use the bathroom outside of their litter box, or force themselves to pee.

Urethral Obstruction

This can occur when there are fertilized eggs stuck in the uterus of your pet and they cause a lot of pain, leading to blood spots.

It happens especially during mating seasons and it’s something you need to be aware of if your cat just isn’t itself. If nothing seems to change after a day, seek medical attention for further observation.


If you notice that your cat is showing signs of constipation, make sure not to treat him at home with human medicine. For one, the medication for pets is different from those used in humans.

Using human medicine on cats without the approval of a veterinarian can cause more harm than good. If you suspect that your pet might be constipated, it’s best for you to bring your animal to the veterinarian so that he can determine which type of treatment is appropriate for your cat.

Once there, your vet will examine your cat so that he can determine which type of treatment is appropriate.


The first step is to take your cat to the veterinarian as soon as possible to rule out constipation or urinary obstruction. If you’ve been given the green light on these medical issues, there are a number of things you can do at home to assist your cat to heal quickly. Our checklist below has some excellent suggestions for assisting your pet in quickly regaining its footing.


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