Do German Shepherds Have Webbed Feet.

Do German Shepherds Have Webbed Feet. The German Shepherd is known for being a great swimmer.

This can lead many people to believe the dog’s paw structure contributes to their unusual mobility in the water allowing them to perform at such a high level in their primary domain of water.

The American Kennel Club however does not endorse this notion, stating that the German Shepherd has “feet that are short and muscular with toes well-arched, tough pads, and nails that are as durable as those found on any working dog”.

Do German Shepherds Have Webbed Feet

In the strictest sense, German Shepherds do not have webbed feet because dogs raised for herding are often used on dry soil. They do have some type of webbing between their toes, which aids in their ability to walk in the water. Pugs do not have webbed feet, but they have some webbing between their toes.

This little bit of extra webbing really helps the pug move about quite easily in the water despite the absence of actual webs themselves.

All Dogs Have Webbed Feet

Some dogs have webbed feet. You may think that all german shepherds have these feet but this isn’t true at all.

It is a misconception spread by those who don’t know much about them. If you want to check that your dog is of pure blood you can examine its fur.

Benefits Of Webbed Feet

Breeding a dog who has a natural predisposition to webbed feet isn’t seen as desirable or marketable, but it is certainly nothing to be concerned about.

If anything, having natural webbed paws makes swimming easier for dogs and thus prolongs their life expectancy in colder, watery surroundings.

Webbed Feet on Ground

A German Shepherd’s long legs allow them to walk on mud without sinking and able to move faster than a dog with shorter legs.


German shepherds have short and narrow webbed paws which makes it harder for them to be able to sink into the water.

However, since they are bred dogs, they can still get affected by other health issues that may arise because of such a case.

There is no simple answer as to whether dogs with webbed feet would get affected by other problems or not but one thing you can be sure about is that these breeds are susceptible to lameness when there is an excess of webbing under their paw pads.

Is Your Dog The Only One With Webbed Feet?

Labs are not the only dog breed with webbed feet. In addition to labradors, poodles and Portuguese waterdogs also have webbed feet.

All of these breeds were bred to swim and catch prey in the water. One can hardly imagine a Lab sitting at home on its couch while trying to catch its dinner rather than being out on the hunt.

What Are The Signs That a Dog’s Feet Are Webbed?

The paw of your dog may surprise you, but all dogs have webbed feet to some degree. Look at the back foot of your dog and separate its toes and you’ll notice a significant webbing in between.

Despite being cursorial animals with limbs built for running, some dog breeds have a great deal of webbing in their feet.

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