Why Does My Cat Sit On My Feet.

Why Does My Cat Sit On My Feet. There are ways your cat can express his or her love for you.

Why Does My Cat Sit On My Feet. There are ways your cat can express his or her love for you. For example, if you pet your cat and he or she begins to purr loudly and sticks around, then this means they love being touched by you. Another way that cats say they love … Read more

Why Does My Cat Sit Next To Me.

Why Does My Cat Sit Next To Me. Cats love to be close to their beloved humans. In fact, baby kittens absolutely thrive on physical affection from their parents.

Why Does My Cat Sit Next To Me. Cats love to be close to their beloved humans. In fact, baby kittens absolutely thrive on physical affection from their parents. which is often missed by well-meaning adults who are stuck indoors working during the day or by people who aren’t comfortable as of yet because they … Read more

Why Does My Cat Sigh.

Why Does My Cat Sigh. Cats often make soft noises when they are content or tired. After waking up from a long nap.

Why Does My Cat Sigh. Cats often make soft noises when they are content or tired. After waking up from a long nap. Taking a nice stretch, or when they’ve just settled down for the evening maybe three of the best times to hear them doing this. It’s not uncommon for them to do it … Read more

Why Does My Cat Scratch The Walls.

Why Does My Cat Scratch The Walls. A cat scratching on the wall is very cute.

Why Does My Cat Scratch The Walls. A cat scratching on the wall is very cute. There are many theories about why cats do this, but the most common one is that sometimes cats just need a solid outlet to express all of their pent-up energy. This habit can be attributed to a lot of … Read more

Why Does My Cat Run Away From Me.

Why Does My Cat Run Away From Me. Although cats are often considered to be very territorial animals, this characteristic is not always a bad thing.

Why Does My Cat Run Away From Me. Although cats are often considered to be very territorial animals, this characteristic is not always a bad thing. Behavior regarding territory can sometimes be used in a positive way. For example, when someone has lately moved into a new home, the cat knows this and may try … Read more

Why Does My Cat Rub His Face On My Feet.

Why Does My Cat Rub His Face On My Feet. Your cat marking inside the house with his face is a sign that he considers you his own.

Why Does My Cat Rub His Face On My Feet. Your cat marking inside the house with his face is a sign that he considers you his own. A cat’s facial glands secrete pheromones which are chemicals that communicate his identity and social status to other cats in the neighborhood. It’s adorable that your cat … Read more

Why Does My Cat Rub Her Gums On Me.

Why Does My Cat Rub Her Gums On Me. When a cat rubs their chin against you, it is spreading the scent from its mouth on your body.

Why Does My Cat Rub Her Gums On Me. When a cat rubs their chin against you, it is spreading the scent from its mouth on your body. In this way, they claim you as their own. The same goes for when they scratch and gently roll around with their litter mates bonding over the … Read more

Why Does My Cat Reach His Paw Out To Me.

Why Does My Cat Reach His Paw Out To Me. When it comes to cats, nothing is too random.

Why Does My Cat Reach His Paw Out To Me. When it comes to cats, nothing is too random. They tend to have very specific reasons for everything they do and their actions often have symbolic significance. Rest assured though, no matter what the reason she’s reached her paw out to you, your cat most … Read more

Why Does My Cat Put Her Paw On My Face.

Why Does My Cat Put Her Paw On My Face. Your cat's paws are full of glands that divide into 2 categories: the Gripping Palms and the Claws.

Why Does My Cat Put Her Paw On My Face. Your cat’s paws are full of glands that divide into 2 categories: the Gripping Palms and the Claws. In the wild, felines will mark their territory by rubbing up against surfaces, so keeping claws clean is simply part of good territory maintenance. When your pet … Read more

Why Does My Cat Purr When I Pet Her.

Why Does My Cat Purr When I Pet Her. When most people think of cats, they picture one thing: purring. But there’s more than meets the eye with this mysterious behavior.

Why Does My Cat Purr When I Pet Her. When most people think of cats, they picture one thing: purring. But there’s more than meets the eye with this mysterious behavior. A lot of people believe that a cat purring means it is content or happy and that is completely wrong. Cats can purr for … Read more

Why Does My Cat Purr So Much.

Why Does My Cat Purr So Much. When cats purr, they are usually in positive emotional environments or when they feel extremely content.

Why Does My Cat Purr So Much. When cats purr, they are usually in positive emotional environments or when they feel extremely content. In some instances though, they may be giving off a different message altogether when they meow namely that they want to interact with you. Socializing with your cats is always an essential … Read more

Why Does My Cat Paw At Her Water Bowl.

Why Does My Cat Paw At Her Water Bowl. Cat whiskers are very sensitive.

Why Does My Cat Paw At Her Water Bowl. Cat whiskers are very sensitive. They can detect subtle movement in the air, and even detect small vibrations in the ground through their bones! If your cat is the type of cat that enjoys having a drink, you should be aware that sometimes water bowls aren’t … Read more

Why Does My Cat Only Like Me.

Why Does My Cat Only Like Me. Cats treat humans very differently from one another.

Why Does My Cat Only Like Me. Cats treat humans very differently from one another. Your cat may just have a favorite person that has nothing to do with the amount of attention or affection they receive. Cats value qualities like intelligence, athleticism, and kindness but in different degrees for each of them. So play … Read more

Why Does My Cat Nibble My Fingers.

Why Does My Cat Nibble My Fingers. When your cat playfully nibbles at you, she is actually expressing her devotion.

Why Does My Cat Nibble My Fingers. When your cat playfully nibbles at you, she is actually expressing her devotion. Gentle nibbles are a measure of how much she likes you because cats are inherently playful. This activity, unlike aggressive bites intended to injure, is a gesture of love, which can also be expressed in … Read more

Why Does My Cat Meow When I Sneeze.

Why Does My Cat Meow When I Sneeze. Sometimes cats are annoyed by a noise they hear that they don't like and they find a way to communicate with you about it in the form of growling, meowing, or chirping.

Why Does My Cat Meow When I Sneeze. Sometimes cats are annoyed by a noise they hear that they don’t like and they find a way to communicate with you about it in the form of growling, meowing, or chirping. In situations such as this, cats may also react after hearing a sneeze because to … Read more

Why Does My Cat Meow When I Leave The Room.

Why Does My Cat Meow When I Leave The Room. Cats are a lot like humans in the sense that they can have very different relationships with their family members or friends.

Why Does My Cat Meow When I Leave The Room. Cats are a lot like humans in the sense that they can have very different relationships with their family members or friends. When your cat cries when you leave the room, it is likely due to a combination of emotions. Some of these emotions could … Read more

Why Does My Cat Meow After Pooping.

Why Does My Cat Meow After Pooping. If your cute kitty sporadically starts meowing loudly right after using its litter tray.

Why Does My Cat Meow After Pooping. If your cute kitty sporadically starts meowing loudly right after using its litter tray. It might mean that it’s signaling you that it’s just taken a stool and would like to be cleaned up right away so it can resume its playtime. However, sometimes the cat may just … Read more

Why Does My Cat Make Biscuits On Me.

Why Does My Cat Make Biscuits On Me. There's no reason why your cat shouldn't knead.

Why Does My Cat Make Biscuits On Me. There’s no reason why your cat shouldn’t knead. Many pet owners regard it as very normal, natural behavior, and your cat will have no idea that their desire to be closer to you is hurting you. Do not penalize the kneading or keep them away from you, … Read more