What Can You Give a Hyper Dog To Calm It Down.

What Can You Give a Hyper Dog To Calm It Down. If your dog is hyper, there are natural alternatives you could try.

Dog Trainers and Dog Behaviorists are particularly suited to help with this. Exercise and controlled exposure to stressors is highly recommended for dogs who have anxiety issues so if necessary, a trainer may be able to advise on things like that as well.

If necessary, medications from your vet can also be prescribed, such as amitriptyline or fluoxetine.

Sometimes sedatives may be used if your dog happens to get anxious about specific stressful events such as thunderstorms, fireworks, or a trip to the vet for example!

What Can You Give a Hyper Dog To Calm It Down

When you want a break, but your dog can’t sit still. The problem: Your dog might need to be healthier and more fit, or it could be suffering from separation anxiety or noise phobias. Whatever the case may be, there’s definitely a solution if you have time and patience on your side.


A lot of dogs can be characterized as being hyperactive for potential reasons including biological factors or a lack of daily exercise.

Most dogs have a lot of energy that needs to be burned off and are born with impulse control issues, which can lead them to skip out on doggy daycare or in general not get enough exercise.

Know Your Breed

“When we watch TV at night, my dog is too busy to settle down,” the client explained. We realized the dog was a herding breed, such as a Border Collie, which are noted for their high energy levels.

The dogs were taken out with a leash when they arrived at work in the morning and either let off lead only to return inside after fetching basketballs or running about in a dog park while off-lead where they could assist others in playing, such as on various agility courses.


The sense of smell in most dogs is far superior to our own. They use their sense of smell to investigate their surroundings, much as we do.

They do, however, have two nostrils instead of one, and a “second nose” an olfactory organ in the roof of their mouth that lets them detect scents that we aren’t aware of.

Many types of scent detection are actually performed through this second organ rather than the nostrils.

That said, I strongly suggest reading Alexandra Horowitz’s book Being a Dog, which explains how scents enhance our dogs’ lives and helps us better grasp how they think.

Try Aromatherapy

A lot of people believe that dogs are able to pick up on their owners’ emotions just by looking at them.

However, dogs actually sense your thoughts and moods based on a combination of body language, tone of voice, and physiological responses. In fact, according to science journalist Thomas A.

Schroeder, “just like humans, dogs read each others’ faces, postures, and gestures.” You can communicate with your pet even when you’re not at home and stay connected even if he or she is staying with someone else.

Practical Skills

When training your dog in order to manage its good manners, sitting, downing, and staying are all excellent behaviors to take into account!

These commands are useful when dealing with a party of guests, as they will help train your dog to behave while in the presence of a crowd.

Simply saying the word “down” and pointing toward the ground has a conspicuous calming effect over most dogs because that is often where they would naturally go when they want to laze around.

Impulse Training

In order to have an enjoyable time when accompanying their best friend outside for a stroll, dog owners need to ensure that their canine has been properly trained.

After all, the world can be an unpredictable place for a dog who is not housebroken, and therefore nobody wants to be caught in a situation where they might get sprayed by surprise or find their four-legged companion barking at something silly instead of listening to your commands.

So, make sure you educate yourself on the basic tenets of dog training and obedience so that you are prepared when the time comes.


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