Why Do Cats Shake Their Heads.

Why Do Cats Shake Their Heads. Many domestic cats will shake their head and give their ears a good scratch if something is irritating them or causing a build-up of yuck.

Contaminated earwax, debris, and fluid will commonly be the main cause of this. It’s not uncommon for the ears to become red and sore around the ear canal, giving way to an unpleasant smell.

Some of these smells might be worsened by these additional occurrences: other cats in catteries, dirt, plants, and even fungal infections.

Why Do Cats Shake Their Heads

A cat that has taken to shaking his/her head for no apparent reason could be suffering from a condition that can range from minor to serious and will require veterinary attention if this is the case. Whether the issue is an underlying ear infection or perhaps even a more significant condition, you will want to take the necessary steps as soon as possible so as not to burden your cat any longer by consulting your veterinarian so we can make sure your cat feels relief without you having to wait any longer than needed.

Realign Their Fur

Cats are finicky about how their fur is aligned or positioned. When petted, their fur may become unruly or out of place so a cat’s reaction would be to shake her head once you are done petting her.

She may just be doing this to realign it and position her fur back to its normal placement.


Cats can suffer from some of the same allergies that humans do, though the most common way to encounter allergens is through contact they can also be inhaled or ingested and manifest in the skin, fur, and paw-related issues.

In cats, allergies are often treated by your vet with antihistamines or steroids but it’s important to note that in many cases, you can discover what your cat is allergic to.

If your cat happens to suffer from an allergy after being involved with fleas or ticks, your vet may want to administer certain medications which will give them some relief from the intense itching which accompanies the allergy.

Ear Mites

If your veterinarian can see and detect ear bites after collecting a sample from your pet cat using a microscope, they will need to recommend therapy.

Ear mites can be treated with a variety of methods, including prescription ear drops and spot-on treatments.

Your veterinarian may recommend treating the ears for a week and then pausing for another week to allow any eggs to develop. The mites can be treated for another week after the eggs have hatched.

Insect Bites

When a cat, being a natural predator, is bitten by an insect they are prone to getting a local reaction on the site of the bite. This could include swelling and inflammation but it could also include itching, hives, and even head shaking.

If you believe your cat was recently bit by an insect then your doctor may treat your cat by giving antihistamines or steroids.

If the swelling and inflammation are extreme they will be unable to breathe properly which requires immediate medical attention from your vet.

Dental Disease

The increase of our cat’s pain will make it wince and cringe when eating, which can cause an unhealthy weight loss. This will enable dental issues such as gingivitis, painful swollen gums, or tooth cavities.

These conditions are very common in cats with resorption lesions causing tooth loss in 28%-68% of all adult cats and can cause a decrease in appetite and reluctance to eat, along with some weight loss.

Final Words

Cats enjoy being stroked and petted as a way to bond with their humans. They can show this affection in various ways such as purring, closing their eyes, or raising their backs. Additionally, however, cats may also shake their heads after you pet them to indicate that they are uncomfortable or are having overstimulation issues with too much attention. One could assume that the reason for the head-shaking is either to realign their fur or simply because they have an ear-related problem such as a scratchy throat or earache.

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