Why Do Cats Thump Their Tails When Lying Down. Cats don’t have many ways to communicate. They don’t bark, meow, or speak human.
The tail is a vital part of their body for balance, chasing mice, and jumping over things because nearly every cat knows as soon as it uses its tail for anything other than these functions that something is up.
So what does it mean when a cat swishes or thumps its tail? It means there’s tension in the kitty-corner. Let’s have a deeper look into this feline mystery today.
Why Do Cats Thump Their Tails When Lying Down
If you’ve ever owned a cat, you’ve probably noticed that they sometimes thump their tail while laying down. Usually, this means something good is about to happen. For example, if you notice your cat is going to be in estrus soon or if they are telling another cat to scoot off and mind their own business. Just what does it mean? Well, we broke it down for you so you can know every reason why your feline is doing this next time they do it.
Flicking tail
Tails are often a clear indicator of how a cat is feeling. Normally when a cat’s tail is moving or flicking back and forth; it’s considered to be an active position.
whereas if the tail has stopped moving and appears to be mostly stationary, that may mean your cat is currently at rest.
However, there are times when your feline companion’s tail will remain in a still position but this doesn’t necessarily infer peace.
Low flick
If your cat is low-wagging her tail while flicking it back and forth quickly, this usually indicates that she is bored or displeased with the current scenario she finds herself in. This can often be observed if you are taking your pet to the vet.
Cat Is Relaxed
Tail thumping isn’t exclusive to cats. However, most of the time if your cat is tail thumping, it means he or she is content.
Still, it could mean something else so we advise you not to jump to conclusions when you see your pet doing this.
Even if a wagging tail means that your cat is enjoying the attention you’re giving him or her.
There are other times where his or her behavior will likely then become aggressive or otherwise unpleasant for onlookers.
If the cat is laying on its stomach and wagging its tail from side to side, it is likely about to pounce. Some cats will wag their tails when they want to play.
While other cats may start to do this when they intend to jump. It all depends on how much tail-talking your cat does when it does this as it’s usually a clear sign.
That things might be about to get exciting for your furry friend or not, sometimes it’s all just a game of stalking and the fun begins when the cat leaps.
Why Does My Cat Thumps It’s Tail?
Let your cat pick up on your emotions. If you’re upset about something, let your feline companion know by letting them know your mood with non-verbal cues such as tail thrashing or thumping.
This is a behavior that lets us know that we’ve done something wrong or we’re annoying our cats when what we were trying to do was give the kitties some love. When non-verbal cues are ignored, the words will come.
Final Words
Tails can mean a lot of things, including but not limited to: relaxed, excited, frustrated, angry or in pain, asking for playtime, or saying hello. Knowing what “tail language” can mean increases your ability to understand the feline members of your household. Learning more about the other movements that may accompany tail movement allows you to decipher what message your furry friend is trying to convey.