Why do dogs snore when they sleep.

Why do dogs snore when they sleep. Dogs snore when they sleep because their breathing is temporarily stopped. It’s no secret that dogs require a great deal of oxygen to perform even the most basic bodily functions, and as such it should come as no surprise why they struggle with getting sufficient oxygen while sleeping.

Why do dogs snore when they sleep

Dogs can often snore due to several reasons. One of the main causes is that they tend to sleep on their back, and since dogs don’t wear oxygen masks when they go to sleep it’s actually their tongue sometimes blocking the nasal passages or throat which makes them snore! As strange as it sounds that might be the case sometimes with your furry best friend.

When a dog exhales, the air passes through its larynx

The trachea is then split into two paths one for inhaling air and one for expelling used or unneeded air.

The split in this passageway forms an anatomical structure called the carina, which is why breathing out of both nostrils is termed ‘bifurcation’.

A study performed back in 2004 by the Department of Neurobiology at the University of Guelph found that ” during wakefulness and sleep, large airway calibers are necessary to allow efficient gas exchange across the entire respiratory tract.”

They also stated that “Narrow airways have been associated with obstructive breathing events such as snoring and upper airway resistance syndrome.

When a dog breathes out, its exhausted exhalation must pass through this bifurcated passageway. As a dog’s breathing becomes more labored or stressed, it becomes more difficult for them to expel used/unneeded oxygen from their respiratory system. When unable to breathe out completely, the dog begins taking quick breaths – resulting in snoring.

During periods of unconsciousness, the dog’s brain sends signals to close their bifurcated airway.

This leads to a temporary cessation of breathing that lasts until the dog regains consciousness and/or relaxes – then they can once again exhale fully. The moment where breathing has completely stopped is why dogs often snore when they’re asleep, as well as why it becomes more difficult for them to breathe out when sleeping on their backs or sides.

A dog does not have complete control over these closing mechanisms since it is an autonomic response triggered by the brainstem/spinal cord.

It should be made clear though that this process is not done in order to actually stop air from entering the respiratory system entirely – just to prevent it from passing through the trachea.

What kind of Dogs snore while they sleep?

There are several breeds of dogs known for being more likely to snore when sleeping, including Bulldogs and Pugs.

Their short noses have been linked to obstructive breathing, which is why they are particularly susceptible to this problem when asleep. Of course, any dog can suffer from temporary reductions in their respiratory function while at rest – leading to snoring – but these breeds seem genetically predisposed.

Does snoring affect a dog’s health?

Snoring has no significant impact on your dog’s health or well-being itself; however, if you notice that your dog suddenly begins making loud wheezing sounds when awake then you should consult a vet. The noises made could be an indicator of bronchitis, asthma, or another serious respiratory problem that they are suffering from.


Why do dogs snore when they sleep. Dogs snore when they sleep because their breathing is temporarily stopped when it cannot pass through the bifurcated airway due to an obstructed airflow. This leads to them taking quick breaths and exhaling loudly, which can often be heard by dog owners who share a home with their pets.

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