Are Ferns Toxic To Cats?

Are Ferns Toxic To Cats? Cats are agile and swift animals, but this doesn’t mean they don’t have to worry about their safety. Sometimes they do get a little too close with their neighbor’s labrador.

Other times, they can seem ready to pounce on the resident Bengal tiger in the house behind theirs. Cats are naturally inclined to eat foods they’re familiar with as they grow up, making it hard for them to avoid all toxic plants at once.

You can’t leave all the responsibility of protecting your kitten up to them because there may be days when you aren’t around for some reason or another.

Are Ferns Toxic To Cats

Even though some plants don’t pose a threat to pets, we urge you to prevent your cat from nibbling on your houseplants regardless. This is not all the more true if the houseplant in question has been placed in proximity of spots where your cat likes to spend time such as near its bed. The idea is not to make things extremely difficult for yourself by having to remove every plant from your home or garden.

It just means that you need to be smart about where you place them.

Treating Fern Poisoning

If your cat ingests or touches a true fern, it will likely be fine. If you do observe symptoms, keep an eye on them but don’t go rushing to the doctor.

Take your cat to the vet for a checkup if toxic ferns are involved. It is important that you know some of the more common plants in the garden which can cause sickness in cats. Ferns commonly cause this problem.

True Ferns

True ferns are completely safe to cultivate in a cat-friendly environment. This does not imply that it is healthy for your cat in its current state.

It simply means that they are not toxic and are unlikely to cause lasting or major harm to your cat if he or she chews on them, as ferns rarely contain anything harmful in their bite.

Boston, maidenhair, button, rabbit’s foot, bird’s nest, and staghorn are some of the most popular true ferns.

Eating these ferns can cause kittens to have an upset stomach and diarrhea, but it’s usually not serious enough to require medical treatment unless they continue to bother the plant, in which case you’ll have to remove it.


If you keep toxic plants in your house and yard, it’s best to not let Kitty know about them. Do not place toxic fern-like plants out of kitty’s reach.

Keep a first aid kit on hand as well as emergency veterinarian telephone numbers such as those for a poison helpline and your vet’s emergency contact number just in case he gets into some atypical trouble that needs immediate attention.

By keeping everything prepared for Kitty, you’re sure to avoid any nasty surprises which may arise from a poisoning accident.

Asparagus Ferns

The asparagus fern is the most popular kind of fern. It’s not exactly a fern, though despite the name. This plant can have mild levels of toxicity and its berries are harmful to cats.

Ingestion may lead to gastrointestinal upset including vomiting and diarrhea. Cats may also suffer from skin irritation if in contact with this plant.

If you believe your cat has eaten any parts of an asparagus fern, take it to the vet they will know best how to deal with the situation based on what symptoms it shows and be able to talk you through effective procedures for safety purposes.


Are Ferns Safe Around Cats?

Some ferns are safe to have around pets and make a great hanging indoor plant in the home when not out of reach.

Since they may be poisonous if ingested, larger varieties should be kept out of reach of your pet but smaller ferns such as the Boston fern, bird’s nest fern, and staghorn fern are less likely to cause any harm.

Final Words

Being a pet owner can feel like one of the most difficult professions in the world. It’s up to us to keep our pets safe from harmful components in their environment, including toxic plants, in addition to grooming, training, and vet appointments. It’s easier for pet owners who don’t know much about gardening to avoid bringing possibly hazardous plants inside the house, preventing any risk to our beloved dogs.

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