How old does a male cat have to be to breed.

How old does a male cat have to be to breed. your tomcat indoors and neutering him between six months and one year of age.

You can let your male toms live as free as possible for as long as you want. However, you should be aware that if left unneutered, they could reach sexual maturity at the age of three or four months and will probably start mating with the first female feline they come across.

How old does a male cat have to be to breed

It is generally accepted that tom cats reach sexual maturity in about six months to one year. It sometimes happens though that it takes the tom cat up to two years until he can finally provide his owner with kittens. If this doesn’t happen, then you should take him to the vet because there might be something wrong.

Male cats usually remain fertile until their old age

On the other hand, it is recommended to neuter your male cat even earlier than this – around five months of age – as long as he has reached the right weight and his testicles have dropped.

Male cats who are neutered later in life grow taller than ones that were castrated at an earlier stage. This is because testosterone also speeds up the growth process – thus castrating your male cat will make him reach a max height of about 7-eight inches, while ensuring he remains unneutered will make him grow to almost 10-12 inches in size!

However, this does not mean that you should let your tomcat live without neutering or altering; it might cause certain medical problems such as enlarged prostate (which can be fatal if left untreated) and even cancer! Problems like this usually arise when male cats start mating with females during adolescence.

Another reason why you should neuter your male cat is to prevent him from becoming an aggressive, violent cat later in life! Not only females are known for being more docile and mild-mannered – males are also like this on the outside… however; they can turn extremely aggressive when it comes down to mating season (especially if there are no female cats around).

This is because of the testosterone levels that rise when they mate or fight – which means your male cat might start attacking other pets at home, try to escape more often and be much harder to handle. If you’re not up for a more complicated tomcat care, then neutering will solve all of these problems at once!

When to Neuterate Male Cat?

Male cats who are neutered later in life grow taller than ones that were castrated at an earlier stage. However, this does not mean you should let him live without neutering or altering; it might cause certain medical problems.

Even though there is no fixed age, which states that a male cat has to be before he can breed – it is recommended to neuter your male cat between six months and one year of age.

This way you can prevent future health issues, as well as aggression problems caused by increased testosterone levels after mating season.

On the other hand, it is recommended to neuter your male cat even earlier – around five months of age – as long as he has reached the right weight and testicles have dropped.

This way you can prevent future medical problems such as enlarged prostate or even cancer! If you aren’t up for more complicated tomcat care, then neutering will solve all of these problems at once!

On the other hand; they can turn extremely aggressive when mating season comes (especially if there are no female cats around). If you aren’t up for more complicated tomcat care; neutering will solve all these problems at once!


How old does a male cat have to be to breed. Since there is no fixed age, which states that a male has to be before he can breed neutering between six months and one year of age is recommended. This way you can prevent future health issues as well as aggression problems caused by increased testosterone levels after mating season.

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