Why Does My Cat Purr When I Pet Her. When most people think of cats, they picture one thing: purring. But there’s more than meets the eye with this mysterious behavior.
A lot of people believe that a cat purring means it is content or happy and that is completely wrong. Cats can purr for numerous reasons, only a few being happiness or even hunger.
There are 8 common ones you may have not been aware of pain relief, stress relief, keeping warm, getting attention, staying alert, communication of location, and feeling embarrassed so here’s a list below containing their respective descriptions and what to look out for if you spot your cat exhibiting any one of them.
Why Does My Cat Purr When I Pet Her
When it comes to their attitude towards people, not all cats are the same. For example, some tend to be more affectionate than others. Some cats like to curl up close and purr while they’re petted and picked up. Like dogs, this indicates that your cat feels safe and comfortable with you.
Cat’s Purr Anyway
Cats are born to purr because that’s just in their nature. Mother cats will often purr when they give birth to kittens and nurses.
Who can be blind and deaf at first, use their sounds to lead the babies back to them, so they can nurse. In return, little feline kits will use their purrs to show how much they appreciate being taken care of by mama cat.
The feline is the most common source of purring among cats. Sometimes they purr while being pet providing a reflexive action showing that your cat is happy and content.
This helps to dispel the belief that it is perfectly normal for them to purr if something bad happens.
If your cat doesn’t act this way, it may guide you towards other behaviors useful in identifying how they’re feeling, such as when you notice them meowing or kneading their paws. These are two sure signs that your cat is relaxed and happy.
Discomfort And Pain
A cat’s purring is a sign of pleasure, but it can also be a sign of pain. In other words, if your cat is purring and seems to be in great physical shape, the purring could signal contentment.
But if the cat is making a groaning noise or appears otherwise uncomfortable while purring, know that your pet may be telling you that something isn’t right and this observation could save its life.
If there are sore spots on your cat, avoid petting them as they may be painful when touched.
When cats experience pain they won’t want to show it with movement so rather than physically distressing their pain-free bodies, they will allow their bodies to relax instead in the form of a quiet purr.
Every cat has a limit that we should respect, and ensure we stop petting the second our cat gets anxious, starts biting, or scratching.
Also, stroking cats on their back or other parts of their body where they don’t like to be touched can lead to the feline becoming aggressive.
Overstimulation can also be due to medical conditions. For example, when a cat is ill and feels pain, she doesn’t want to be touched and will be much more sensitive than usual. She may purr but that isn’t a welcoming sign for you to stroke her.
Lyons notes that the purring of a cat decreases the symptoms of dyspnoea. This is when a cat has difficulty in breathing.
It also lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease. Studies have shown that owners of pets, including cats, can reduce their risk of heart attack by up to 40%.
It is no simple task to answer any question concerning the behavior of cats. Indeed, it is a lovingly complex creature. Felines purr in great part because they are content and happy. What an utterly adorable noise and look at them with all their zen vibes. Yet whether purring indicates great happiness or simply delight, it needn’t always be interpreted as a signifier of pleasurable contentment, as was previously established.