Merrick senior dog food Chicken and Sweet potatoes Recipe. Merrick Grain-Free Senior Dry Dog Food is crafted with whole foods sourced from farmers we know and trust.
Leading levels of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in this senior dog food help support your dog’s healthy skin and shiny coat.
A super-premium food, made without fillers or additives, Merrick Grain-Free Senior Dry Dog Food provides 100% complete and balanced nutrition for dogs ages 7 years and older.
Merrick senior dog food Chicken and Sweet potatoes Recipe
Many dog owners purchase Merrick senior dog food for their older dogs. Merrick senior dog food tends to be a much healthier option than other brands of Merrick senior dog food since it has limited ingredients and is guaranteed to contain no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. Merrick Senior Dog Food is also made from high-quality proteins from chicken, lamb, turkey, and fish as the first four ingredients which leads to an overall improvement in nutrition, especially when compared to other brands that may have corn as the main ingredient.
Merrick Grain Free with Real Meat + Sweet Potato Dry Dog Food
(1) 22.0 pound Bag – Merrick grain free dry dog food real texas beef & sweet potato recipe
Real deboned beef is always the first ingredient in this poultry free dog food.
Dry food for dogs with 65% protein and healthy fat ingredients and 35% produce, fiber, vitamins, minerals and other natural ingredients.
With 60% of protein from animal sources, the Merrick grain free dry dog food real texas beef & sweet potato recipe offers the ideal combination of protein and healthy fats to help a dog maintain optimal weight and increased energy
Glucosamine and chondroitin help maintain healthy hips and joints, while omega fatty acids support healthy skin and shiny coat
Merricks’ Lamb Meal & Brown Rice formula is highly recommended
Merrick senior dog food is a limited-ingredient food, containing a single source of animal protein. This is different from most other brands of senior dog foods, which contain multiple sources of proteins and grains, making them more likely to cause allergies in some pets.
Mericsk senior dog food provides all the necessary nutrition without having to supplement with supplements or treats since it doesn’t contain any sugar, wheat, or corn that makes it easier for your pet to get all their nutrients without having to eat something they don’t enjoy. It’s available in a variety of flavors, including :
Merricks Lamb Meal & Brown Rice dry dog food
Merricks Grain Free Chicken recipe dry dog food – grain-free with enhanced levels of antioxidants and omega fatty acids for improved skin and coat condition. This formula can also be used to support cancer prevention.
Merricks Grain-Free Duck & Sweet Potato Recipe dry dog food – a single source meat formula that contains no potatoes, wheat, or corn for those looking for grain-free options that are likely to cause fewer allergic reactions.
Merrick senior dry dog food is 100% grain-free and nutritious, delicious super premium pet food. Cooking at our plant in Hereford Texas gives this great product the best possible “from farm to bowl” freshness. Merrick senior dog food contains no artificial preservatives, flavors or colors.
Merrick senior dog food provides 100% complete and balanced nutrition for dogs ages 7 years and older. Merrick senior dry dog food is made by Chappel Brothers Pet Food, a family-owned company since 1968 celebrating 50+ years of feeding our pets like family! Merrick senior dog food is also backed with the Good Dog Merrick satisfaction guarantee.