Why Do Cats Get Fat.

Why Do Cats Get Fat. The first thing you should know is that your cat will never lose weight on its own, it’s the owner’s responsibility.

But don’t worry, you are not alone because cat obesity is a growing epidemic and many celebrities such as George Clooney, Katherine Heigl, and Simon Cowell have spoken up about their cat problems.

You definitely need to be careful because 3/5 cats in Western countries are currently overweight.

Cat owners can make sure they help their cats to trim down with proper pet foods specially designed for weight loss in felines. This can help them not only reduce their fat level but improve the longevity of their pets too.

Why Do Cats Get Fat

In short, your cat is overweight because it eats more calories than it burns off usually due to a lack of exercise. Lazy house cats who stay in and aren’t exercised properly will gain weight, too. The problem becomes more prevalent in cats that have no means of playing or getting enough exercise on their own. If you’ve noticed your cat is getting pudgy, you may want to consider giving it a couple of toys to encourage activity and active playtime.

Exercise Deficit

Our cats get fat because an unmeasured amount of food isn’t matched with enough exercise, and this is simply the number one most common reason why our cats pack on the pounds.

In order to reverse this problem, we need to get our kitties active! Exercise isn’t just healthy for weight loss; it protects against a wide variety of diseases and helps keep them longer too.

Many people might say that laziness is responsible for their flabby feline friend. However, these folk forgets that all living creatures rely on routine including cat owners.

Eating Habits

One of the reasons why your cat is getting obese is because he’s overfeeding.

If you are a person who is accustomed to leaving a bowl of cat food out all day consider putting your pet on an eating schedule instead to keep him in check with his daily caloric needs or risk problems like diabetes and heart disease.

Eating stress

Cats can be pretty nervous and what better way to handle a stressful situation than with food, amirite?

If you have changed your cat’s environment somehow recently by bringing in another cat or going away for vacation, for example, you might see them stress eating.

Since they cope with change in this manner it really is better to ease into things as best you can.

There are automatic pet feeders that could help limit the number of times they need to eat throughout the day by providing larger portions automatically over several hours at once so that you don’t have to worry about your kitty eating too much without you noticing.

High Caloric

One factor that contributes to obesity in pets is being “free-fed.” This means you put food out for your pet when it runs out. If your kitty has free access to food, it’s easy to fill up until the container is overfilled.

The volume of the food can influence how much a pet eats at any given time. Even if your cat only needs a specific amount of food per day, allowing unrestricted access to its own dish can make portion control challenging and can create some issues with overeating.

Other Issues

Sometimes it’s not just one bad thing responsible for a problem. For example, when your cat is putting on some weight, it might be caused by a number of factors like eating food in significant portions and staying inactive.


Is it common for cats to be overweight?

There are many reasons why a cat may increase its weight. Kittens, who eat uncontrollably while they grow into adults will most likely slim out in due course.

As your cat gets older and becomes less active, you’ll notice that he or she starts to put on weight. This is because the life cycle of a cat progresses slower as an older kitty age. They may start eating more when their mobility slows down.

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