Will My Cat Come Back If I Let Him Outside.

Will My Cat Come Back If I Let Him Outside. Cats are known for being independent which is probably one of the reasons why many pet owners love them and try to put up with their less than endearing behaviors, like scratching furniture and stealing food, for example.

Owners should never forget that cats are perfectly capable of looking after themselves and they can practically look after themselves all day, as long as no harm comes to them by doing so. As such, let us not forget that every cat has its own personality and tendencies.

Will My Cat Come Back If I Let Him Outside

At first, most cats will take their time and investigate at a leisurely pace. Allow them to move at their own pace while keeping a safe distance. Don’t be alarmed if they jump over a fence or venture further than you’re comfortable with; most cats will come home within a few minutes, at which point you can thank them with a delightful treat.

Fully Settled

For anyone who has a cat that isn’t yet fully settled into their new home, we recommend not letting them out anywhere near the front door or out in the garden until they have had time to get to know your home and become acclimated with the area around it.

By this age, your kitten should also be neutered for anything other than medical reasons and should be fully vaccinated, meaning you can let them outside as long as you are careful where you do so.

Adult Cats

The length of time it takes to transition your feline friend from indoors to the outdoors should be proportional to their ability to adjust and the variance in weather temperature.

Naturally, you might be tempted to let your cat outside right away, but it’s usually advisable to wait at least 2-3 weeks and up to 4-6 weeks after you first bring them home.

This will provide them with at least a handful of weeks to adjust depending on the circumstances surrounding their adjustment period.


Print some missing posters using a photo of your animal. Include important characteristics such as age, yellow color, and three leg discoloration, as well as information on how to contact you if the owner is ever found.

Post these posters throughout your neighborhood and distribute them to local animal shelters, veterinarians, pet stores, and other places where your furry buddy might be found.


It’s important to teach your new kitten their name and to train them to come to you when called. Luring them over with treats is a great way to do this!

Just say their name out loud, shake the treat bag, and then give them a yummy treat when they return. The more you work with your cat, the more they will understand what you want from them.

After several sessions like this one other room or different areas of your home, try calling while they’re outside exploring.

Calling their name from places far away will show that they are listening for your call, and demonstrate that they can return back to you if needed.


When cats get out and realize they’re in danger, their instinct is to run and hide. They often return to the same location where you first let them out if it works for them. Cats can remember a three-to four-house radius of where they were last seen, so if you are unable to find your cat right away as long as your cat has access to a hiding spot , there’s no need to fear that you won’t see him again.

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